Saturday, August 22, 2015


I switched to my 25th trays on Tuesday (just in time for my first day of school Wednesday!)  They are super-tight on some of my front teeth!  I also have big gaps to fill in this time around, so I've been chewing my chewies a lot lately.  I have just over a week until my next orthodontist appointment!  Crazy!

Next weekend also marks a year since I had my oral surgery to start this whole process.  I'm almost a full year in!  (That means I have less than a year to go!  Awesome!)

Unrelated:  I keep having horrible dreams that my teeth are falling out!

Here are my picture updates:

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Here are pictures of my 24th trays that I put in a week ago.  My top front teeth are really hurting with these, but the pain has gotten better with days.  The biggest movements that have to take place are with my lateral incisors.  I had HUGE spaces in my trays when I put them in last week.  The spaces seem to be getting smaller.

I took these pictures at night, so they are kind of weird in terms of coloring.