Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Trays 15, Oral Irrigation, and Retainer Brite

I just changed into my 15th trays.  I don't have much to say except that they are tight.

The biggest and most obvious change at this point is my bottom tooth that was initially going to be pulled.  It used to be behind my other bottom teeth with hardly a gap, but it is coming forward with the gap opening quickly!

Here are my other typical updates.  Nothing particularly exciting to report.

As I stated in my previous post, I bought an oral irrigation system to help relieve some of my flossing efforts.  I'm still flossing after each meal, but it is much easier after buying this product.  I get a constant (if I want) stream of water with really good pressure to clear out the gaps between my back teeth.  I'd say it was a wise purchase.  I had a little trouble learning to use it, though; I sprayed water all over the bathroom the first time I turned it on without realizing that would happen.

I also ordered Retainer Brite, a tablet-type product used to clean clear braces or retainers by dropping it into water and letting it dissolve.  I got 96 tablets, which was a great amount for the price (can't remember how much), as I plan to use one per week for my trays.  Retainer Brite has been good for a mid-week refresh on my trays.  They look kind of cloudy when I first remove them from the solution, but they are usually sparkly-clean later on.  I'm glad I bought this product.

Monday, March 23, 2015

14th Trays and Other Stuff

A week ago, I visited my orthodontist to get my next set of trays.  He said that everything looked great, and since I have been following the rules so well, he gave me the next four sets of trays (14, 15, 16, 17).  I don't have to go back until mid-May!

These trays were tight when I put them in and remained that way for a few days.  These also have some sharp edges around the bottom tray that have been rubbing against and irritating my inner lip.  I had to wear wax over the bottom tray for a few days.

I was really excited to compare tray 17 to my last tray (just by looking at it), but at this point, the changes seem minor.  The gaps on both sides of my mouth don't appear to be getting much smaller in the next 8 weeks (bummer).

This morning, I visited my awesome dentist's office for my 6-month check-up.  I guess there is some darkening between the back teeth that act as a food trap (and that I have complained about on here and probably in person).  My hygienist could tell that I had been trying to keep it clean (by the irritated gums... thanks, flossing), but she still said it's kind of a risky zone right now.  She told me that she'd prefer to have irritated tissue than a cavity between my back teeth, especially since they'll be moving closer together in time.  My dentist recommended a Waterpik, as it would be a "less traumatic experience" for those teeth.  I looked up oral irrigation systems on Amazon and ordered one for $40.  They are expensive!  I'll report on that when I get it.  I'm really excited about it, though.  I don't like having sore gums all the time!

When I left the dentist, I got the most awesome goody bag (that's what it's called, right?) ever.  It contained:  coupons for dental products (which I buy constantly these days), a new/awesome toothbrush--the kind that I already use--in PURPLE, a Listerine flosser, two sensitive travel toothpastes, and a travel mouthwash that is alcohol-free.  (When I went to San Francisco, I bought Listerine--all that I could find--and suffered some serious burn after not using an alcohol mouthwash in months.)

On Amazon, I also searched for a product called Retainer Brite, which I have read about on many Invisalign blogs and unofficial Invisalign websites.  Retainer Brite is a soak for retainers, clear braces, etc. for cleaning purposes.  My aligners tend to get pretty gnarly by the end of the two week cycle, especially if I lose time for brushing during lunch at school.  I googled other solutions last week and came across a suggestion for hydrogen peroxide and water.  I used that, and the strange smell of my aligners went away, but the trays themselves turned a yellowish color.  I was happy with the smell result, but not the color.

Last week, I was tagged in a photo on Facebook that was from last summer, prior to starting Invisalign.  I was instantly encouraged by the progress that I have made with my trays.  In the picture, not all of my front teeth are visible, and my two front teeth are definitely pointing inward and downward.  I opted to take a comparison shot of that picture and a similar view (from above-ish) of my current smile:

This is the highest quality that I can provide, but there it is... the tooth immediately right of my two from teeth looks like it's not even there!

And here is the progress that I have made.  Wow!  I still have a LONG way to go, but this is so different!

Here are the rest of my update pictures for tray 14:

Will the gaps ever close?!

Nobody knows.

 This gap is getting smaller, but it is still evident in photos.

Smile!  Can you see my teeth?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

13th Trays

I put my 13th trays in on Monday night.  They are noticeably less tight than my last trays.  I haven't really been sore the past couple of days.  That's a pretty nice feeling!

I've been trying to eat less beef (though I hardly eat much as it is) because of the February flossing pain.  (I had beef a few times that got stuck in the HUGE gaps between my back teeth and caused lots of irritation because of all of the attempts to get it out.)

Here are my current picture updates.  I don't have a lot of new things to report.  My next orthodontist appointment is in two weeks!