Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Trays 15, Oral Irrigation, and Retainer Brite

I just changed into my 15th trays.  I don't have much to say except that they are tight.

The biggest and most obvious change at this point is my bottom tooth that was initially going to be pulled.  It used to be behind my other bottom teeth with hardly a gap, but it is coming forward with the gap opening quickly!

Here are my other typical updates.  Nothing particularly exciting to report.

As I stated in my previous post, I bought an oral irrigation system to help relieve some of my flossing efforts.  I'm still flossing after each meal, but it is much easier after buying this product.  I get a constant (if I want) stream of water with really good pressure to clear out the gaps between my back teeth.  I'd say it was a wise purchase.  I had a little trouble learning to use it, though; I sprayed water all over the bathroom the first time I turned it on without realizing that would happen.

I also ordered Retainer Brite, a tablet-type product used to clean clear braces or retainers by dropping it into water and letting it dissolve.  I got 96 tablets, which was a great amount for the price (can't remember how much), as I plan to use one per week for my trays.  Retainer Brite has been good for a mid-week refresh on my trays.  They look kind of cloudy when I first remove them from the solution, but they are usually sparkly-clean later on.  I'm glad I bought this product.

1 comment:

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