Saturday, May 9, 2015

Trays 16 and 17

Work has been so crazy-busy the past month that I haven't had time to update on my last two sets of trays.  I'm currently finishing up #17 and will head to the orthodontist on Tuesday for my next appointment.  Everything seems to be going fine from my perspective.

My 16th trays were not bad at all.  They didn't seem too tight, and I didn't have the first few days of soreness that I usually have.

I certainly paid for that enjoyment when I put in trays #17.  They were TIGHT.  They may have been the tightest that I've had in months.  My teeth hurt for DAYS after putting in the new trays, and ibuprofen was no relief.  One of my two front teeth really hurt, and it still has its days.  One of my "fangs" also hurt pretty badly for awhile.  I still seem to be making slow progress.

One of the coolest things that you can see from my pictures of top tray #17 is how much my two front teeth have changed.  They used to point so far inward!  They also appeared very tiny because of that!  Check out the comparison shots below of tray #3 and tray #17.

Such an amazing improvement!  I can't wait for my next appointment to see what my trays look like 8 weeks from now. ;)

The only general update that I have is I love the water flosser and think it was an excellent investment.  I do, however, still continue to use ribbon floss with every brushing, and that has caused some irritation with some of my back teeth/gums.


  1. It is true that water flosser is much more effective than traditional dental floss. It helps us to keep or teeth bacteria free by removing bacteria from periodontal pocket. It works better at reducing bleeding and gingivitis than a manual toothbrush and string floss. So as a dentist, I would say that you absolutely made the right decision.

  2. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us. It is incredible to see the tray by tray process of your treatment with updates. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
    Dentist Philadelphia
