Sunday, September 14, 2014

A week and a half into this...

I meant to write a post a week into Invisalign treatment, but I have been too busy with work to get around to it!  Here's a quick update:

  • My teeth hurt WAY LESS than they did the first ~5 days wearing these aligners (tray 1).
  • My aligners are getting easier to take in and out--no pain with that anymore!  (I read this is a good sign since I change them this coming Wednesday.)
  • I'm learning to talk much better than the beginning, though I still get a lot of spit buildup when I'm teaching that sometimes makes me slur my words.
  • The recommended time to leave aligners in is 22 hours a day, which I have found to be pretty easy with my daily schedule.  I hardly have time for breakfast and lunch, anyway; I eat very quickly!
  • Now that my aligners are fitting better, I feel like there are fewer visible spit bubbles in them... but I predict that this will change come Wednesday!
  • Most people are surprised when I tell them I have Invisalign because they don't notice it!
  • I've had to use much less wax in the past week or so... I can't tell if the rough edges have worn off or my teeth have shifted such that my lips/mouth don't rub them anymore.
  • I go through toothpaste really quickly.  I bought three varieties (with coupons, of course) yesterday to try out some exciting new flavors.
  • I highly prefer my smile with my aligners in to my smile without wearing them; my teeth seem larger and more visible when I'm wearing my aligners right now.
  • I'm still excited about all of this!

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