Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Third Trays

Today is October 1--two weeks before my 6-week appointment to get attachments and all kinds of good stuff!  This evening, I switched from tray #2 to tray #3 on top and bottom.

The third trays definitely seem tighter than the second.  I took some ibuprofen after dinner just to be sure!  Before I post pictures, here are some observations that I've had lately:

-My dental hygienist told me about a reaction I was having to a chemical (SLS) found in toothpaste.  Basically, the top layer of the inside of my mouth peels off when I use that toothpaste.  I noticed that happening in the past, but it didn't really bother me.  Now the excess "stuff" being sloughed off is building up inside my aligners.  Eww.

-I learned today why brushing teeth at a sink is favorable, even when the only option is the school restroom.  Long story short:  I spit toothpaste all down my purple cardigan and grey pants.  At least I had a hint of minty freshness the rest of the day!

-I read a lot about Colgate Wisps before getting Invisalign.  They are like tiny toothbrushes you can use when you don't have a toothbrush (without water), though it should not replace regular brushing.  I bought a travel pack of them a few weeks ago and have used them a couple times.  I think they're alright for times when I can't brush (at the car, at a sporting event, etc.), but I don't really want to use them very much outside of those times.  Maybe my recent purchase of "icy bubble" flavor will change that opinion. :)

-A student offered me a chip today, but I declined because I didn't want to perform the process of removing, brushing, and replacing in the minute before class started.  The good part of this was she and her friends were unaware that I even had Invisalign!

Alright, here are the pictures:

I wanted to try to compare top tray #1 to top tray #3, but the differences are pretty negligible in a picture.  They are more noticeable in person after wearing them for 4 weeks.

The only difference that you can probably spot is tray #1 is discolored; this is because I still had some gum bleeding after my oral surgery while starting Invisalign treatment.

Here's a current selfie.  This could just be wishful thinking, but I feel like my smile looks different than my tray #1 post.

 And, of course, here are the bite pictures.  I was unable to take these with natural sunlight like I did the others, which is why the coloring looks so different.

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