Friday, November 14, 2014

Sixth Trays

I put in my sixth trays yesterday.  I could have started them on Wednesday, but my next appointment isn't until December 1, so I'll have them in for a few extra days, anyway.  (I find this to be a good thing since I will be able to have them out longer on Thanksgiving.  Hello, pie.)  These trays are proving to be pretty tight.  My teeth have been hurting since I put them in last night.

Before I got my aligners, I saw someone's blog post comparing her first trays to her sixth trays.  I was so excited to do that someday.  I took some pictures last night to compare.  And here's what I got:

See the differences!?

Yeah, neither do I.

I can notice some very minor differences between the first tray (left) and the sixth tray (right).  Because the differences seemed hardly noticeable, I decided to compare the trays from a different aspect:

Here is a cool difference!  The widths of the trays are quite different.  The sixth tray (right) is much wider than the first tray (left).  I tried to line up one side of the aligners so you can see the difference in the width on the other side.  I didn't even know that change was happening in my mouth until I compared the two!

Another exciting change:

The gap between my lower teeth is increasing, making room for that tooth hiding behind the others to come forward!  The bottom tray is my first tray, and the top tray is my sixth tray.  As you can tell, there is a noticeable difference in that gap.  Awesome!  The bottom trays look pretty similar otherwise.

And now, here are my typical pictures.  Changes are difficult to spot! (even for me)

 -current bite viewed from the side

-current bite viewed from the other side

-current bite from the front

-current smile.  Does it look different yet?

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