Sunday, December 14, 2014

Clenching and Grinding

I started this post on November 22 but haven't had time to finish it.

A few weeks ago, I was on my sixth trays for about two-and-a-half weeks while I waited for Thanksgiving to pass.  After that, I could have my next orthodontist appointment and move to tray 7.

I'm not sure why, but with my sixth trays, I felt like I was constantly clenching and grinding my teeth.  I couldn't stop!  I don't know if it was related to the shape of my trays or what.  I would do it in my sleep and while I was awake without thinking about it.  By the time I realized what I was doing, I had a horrible headache.  This happened for many days.  Eventually, I started to feel twitches in my right temple.  It sort of felt like pressure, but it also felt like a muscle spasm.

I became worried after feeling that pressure for a few days, so I, of course, took to the internet.  It turned out that I (thankfully) wasn't the only person ever to feel those sensations.  I also confirmed my suspicions that they were related to my clenching and grinding.  I put my fingers on my temple (where the pressure was) and bit down.  Sure enough, I felt my muscles there contract as I clenched my teeth.  I could also feel my temporal artery throbbing.  Awesome.

I had to pay attention hardcore the next few days to make sure I stopped grinding my teeth.  Once I broke the habit, the sensations went away.  Occasionally, I would feel something weird in my temple region, but then I would realize that I had gone back to those habits.

I'm glad to say now that I haven't had these issues in awhile.  I'm feeling much better and very relieved!

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